Anniversary Bouquet
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Whether it's a first anniversary or a twenty-first, this gorgeous bouquet in a lead crystal vase....
Superlative Rose Bouquet
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This superlative arrangement of two dozen red roses is the creme de la creme of rose bouquets. 24 lo....
Pink Opulence
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Who can resist a bouquet such as this? An explosion of pink roses, snapdragons, white lar....
Love In Bloom
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A gift of flowers is always a joy to receive. We combine cream roses with a variety of s....
Classic Red Roses Bouquet
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Red roses are the universal symbol of love, romance, and friendship, and make the perfect gift for a....
The Graceful Grandeur
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A dozen angelic white Roses are sweetly arranged with stems of pink Waxflower and Leatherleaf. The e....
Rainbow Roses
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A memorable mix of multi-color roses for that unforgettable someone. Beautiful green foliage accompa....
Love's First Bloom
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Roses with a twist. One dozen long stemmed roses in a mix of colors are picked fresh and arranged in....
Delicate Rose Trio
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Send your love with three of our most delicate and beautiful long-stem roses. The roses are displaye....
The Perfect Dozen
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Romance them with our six stunning long-stemmed roses topped with a half dozen romantic ''I love you....
Simply Lovely
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With birthdays and special occasions perennially popping up, there's not much time left to find the ....
Monticello Rose Bouquet
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The beauty of these 18 roses is accentuated by soft pink waxflower. Heather flawlessly complements t....
Grand Bouquet
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When great events call for something really grand, send this extraordinary bouquet with its colorful....
The Sun Blushed Bouquet
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This sweet symphony of blushing roses sends a warm message for any occasion. A half dozen dainty pea....
Summer Medley
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Deep, vivid colors are the hallmark of this bouquet. Roses, carnations, and asters share the spotlig....
Pink Blush Bouquet
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A classic arrangement in shades of glorious pink. Soft roses, carnations, and pompons are....
Half Dozen Classic Red Roses
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A half dozen gorgeous long-stem red Roses shine in a glass vase with baby's breath, Monte Casino, Ca....